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Superfood Spotlight: Moringa

Everything you need to know about superfoods and moringa's rise to the top.

Moringa tree growing next to a stone wall

Moringa Oleifera, or simply moringa, boats a host of medicinal health and wellness benefits. Well so do the 'superfoods'. So, what sets it apart from the rest?


Superfood or gimmick?

Food. We love it, we can't get enough it, we need it, and sometimes we overdo it. Food has been a longstanding pleasure of life but also the thorn in our path-to-wellness side. As we seek healthy alternatives, we have sought the help of 'superfoods' to aid us in our wellness goals. While the term 'superfood' is not formally regulated by any governmental authority, we have grown comfortable and familiar with its associations. We view superfoods as having high nutritional value and health benefits (strawberries anyone?). Cynically, it is an informal marketing term to promote specified products.

The idea of the 'superfood' is nothing new, however. Think of the use of chia seeds as a healing tool by the Aztecs. Superfoods have long provided antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and everything else needed to treat various conditions, inside and out. Consumed, inhaled, or the preferred Vale Apothecary way-brewed, superfoods can be a great addition to overall balanced, healthy lifestyle journey. But are all superfoods created equal?

Moringa has entered the chat

Moringa is a fast-growing tree with wide use across the Asian, Latin-American, and Caribbean regions. As all parts of the plant are useful for providing practical and health benefits, it has been cultivated for general consumption, traditional medicine, and water purification. Moringa is packed full of beta-carotenes which transforms into vitamin A (vitamin A reduces oxidative stress, heals the skin and lungs, reduces cancer risk, and promotes eye health). It is a potent source of Vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system and lower blood pressure.

Moringa also contains fiber which helps prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol. Moringa leaves contain massive amounts of antioxidants which helps lower blood sugar and stave off type-2 diabetes. Packed with nutrients like vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium, moringa is a great addition to a healthy diet. Moringa has also been shown to be extremely beneficial for pregnant woman by boosting gut health and immune system, addressing iron deficiency, regulating blood sugar and blood pressure, and providing breastfeeding support. It's no wonder we love it here!

While it's benefits are great, moringa can be hard to find. That's why at Vale Apothecary, moringa is a featured superfood and is a crucial member of the powerful Detox Kit.

A well-deserved champion of the superfoods?

Moringa has easily earned a top spot in our list of recommended super foods. Not only does it provide a host of crucial health benefits, but it also packs a serious punch with mega-doses of nutrients and benefits. Moringa is widely used as a 'cure' for various illnesses or concerns including cold and flu symptoms. While other 'superfoods' claim to provide these benefits, few do it better than moringa, sending you maximum benefits directly to the source. Check it out below and explore all the other health benefits included in the Detox Kit.

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